Kornerstone Technology Blog

Kornerstone Technology Inc. (KSTech) is a provider of technology and business solutions. We also have provided comprehensive support solutions for our customers since 2006.

Still Use Analog Solutions? Consider These Digital Alternatives

Still Use Analog Solutions? Consider These Digital Alternatives

Technology drives today’s businesses; if you haven’t embraced modern technology, you’re missing out. So much of what used to make business frustrating can now be done conveniently through technology, including many old analog tasks. Today, we want to highlight some ways you can use technology to seriously upgrade your company’s operations.

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It May Be Time to Break Up with Your Old Technology

It May Be Time to Break Up with Your Old Technology

We all have old friends; not the ones that you went to high school with, but oldish technology that we simply can’t bring ourselves to upgrade away from. At some point, however, old technology stops being a trusty sidekick and starts feeling like an anchor. If your devices are making life harder instead of easier, it might be time to say goodbye. Here’s how to know when it's time to let go and upgrade.

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If You Still Use Skype, the Clock is Ticking

If You Still Use Skype, the Clock is Ticking

Skype is dead; long live Microsoft Teams.

At least, that’s the position that Microsoft has taken. The software company is discontinuing the two-decade-old communication application Skype, shifting focus to the more recent Teams platform, with the app’s last day being scheduled for May 5.

Let’s review what this means and reflect on Skype's impact on modern technology.

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Tip of the Week: Prepare Yourself for the End of Windows 10

Tip of the Week: Prepare Yourself for the End of Windows 10

The official end-of-support date for Windows 10—October 14, 2025—will be here before you know it. This means you must prepare to transition to Windows 11 as soon as possible, assuming you haven’t already done so.

Here are a few tips and best practices to keep in mind to help make this transition as smooth and painless as possible.

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This Website Tells You What Your Technology’s EOL Date Is

This Website Tells You What Your Technology’s EOL Date Is

We live in a world where technology is central to everyday life, yet unfortunately it does not last forever. Eventually, your smartphone, laptop, smartwatch, or other device will reach its end of life, or EOL. This is when the manufacturer stops supplying critical updates—including security.

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Tip of the Week: Check When Your Devices Will Reach EOL

Tip of the Week: Check When Your Devices Will Reach EOL

Nobody likes the thought of the device they rely on daily suddenly dying, leaving them without a phone, a laptop, a smartwatch, or whatever the case may be. This is why it is important to stay conscious of when these devices are due to reach their end-of-life date, or EOL, when the manufacturer will no longer support them or provide crucial updates.

Fortunately, there’s a resource that makes this monitoring far easier to manage.

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Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Common knowledge states that the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. Therefore, it stands to reason that you should put as much funding as possible into your most essential resources—such as your IT.

This, however, can be a hard sell to yourself or anyone invested in your company… partners and staff included. 

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Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Everyone should soon have access to a very handy feature in Google Sheets that helps close the gap between Sheets and its rival software, Microsoft Excel.

This feature? Simple table conversions, complete with advanced organization features.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

If you are trying to add new tools to your infrastructure, you might quickly find that technology can be a serious challenge for your budget… that is, unless you make some smart investments and decisions about how you implement it. We can help you make the best technology decisions for your business. In fact, here are three strategies you can try to optimize your technology spending.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Strategies That Will Save You Money on Your Technology

Tip of the Week: 3 Strategies That Will Save You Money on Your Technology

Technology can get costly, especially if you are looking to integrate new tools into your business’ existing infrastructure. Since this technology is going to play a major role in how your business performs, you need to be vigilant about making the right investments. This week, we thought we’d help by providing three strategies that you should consider when spending on technology. 

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Checking In on Windows 11 Adoption

Checking In on Windows 11 Adoption

Has your business implemented the next iteration of the Windows operating system yet, Windows 11? If not, you’re not alone; adoption has been progressing at a snail’s pace, and according to industry professionals, it’s not going to ramp up for quite some time. Still, recent surveys and polls indicate that Windows 11 adoption is far lower than expected, and there is even some discrepancy between reports.

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Checking a Website's Safety from Its Google Result

Checking a Website's Safety from Its Google Result

Google search is synonymous with searching the internet, but that hasn’t stopped them from constantly innovating the service. One of the most recent updates is to give users more context for the content that returns on search results. This works to protect users from potentially clicking on websites that could contain threats. Today, we discuss this innovation and how it will look to the end-user.

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Tip of the Week: Essential Information Technology Practices

Tip of the Week: Essential Information Technology Practices

Information technology is a critical tool for many businesses today, which means \\it is crucial that your IT is compliant to a few key best practices. Let’s go over these practices so that you have a roadmap to ensure that your operations can remain secure and productive.

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Windows 7 Has Nearly Ticked Its Last Tock

Windows 7 Has Nearly Ticked Its Last Tock

It won’t be long before Microsoft retires two of its most popular operating systems - but hopefully, you already knew that. Microsoft has made a point of reminding Windows 7 users that they need to upgrade before January 14 - and yet, many users haven’t done so.

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Why Your Technology Needs Upkeep, Updates, and Upgrades

Why Your Technology Needs Upkeep, Updates, and Upgrades

There is no question that today’s business operations require technology, but even that doesn’t tell the whole story. Not only do businesses need technology, they need to maintain this technology as well. Below, we’ll review the three basic steps to technology maintenance… and how we can help simplify these steps for you.

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Warning Signs that Your Computer Needs Replacing

Warning Signs that Your Computer Needs Replacing

Are the computers in your office beginning to show their age? Do you even know how old they are? For the sake of your productivity, it may be time to replace them for a newer model. We’ll go over some warning signs that your computers may be nearing their retirement age.

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The Time Has Come for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

The Time Has Come for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Software solutions don’t last forever. While patches and security updates can stave off the inevitable for quite some time, it’s impossible to maintain a specific solution forever. Support is eventually cut off, and businesses are left exposed if they haven’t taken the time to prepare. In the case of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2, you are running out of time.

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Save the Date: Microsoft Products End of Life

Save the Date: Microsoft Products End of Life

There are one of two reactions every person gets when they get a save-the-date card in the mail. They either are excited for an event or they realize that the event is going to cost them money. For today’s blog, we give you our version of save the date as some of the most widely used Microsoft products in recent memory are coming up on their end of support date, and for some businesses, this save-the-date might be bad news.

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Security Concerns Have Led To New Voting Machines In Virginia

Security Concerns Have Led To New Voting Machines In Virginia

Regardless of your feelings on the matter, the 2016 United States presidential election was an extremely divisive one--in no small part, due to the suspicion that the outcome of the election may have been significantly influenced by hacked voting machines. This uncertainty has led to some states making strides to ensure that their technology will no longer be responsible for such doubts.

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What You Need to Know About Upgrading to Windows 10

What You Need to Know About Upgrading to Windows 10

It’s been over two years since Microsoft stopped providing Windows XP with security updates and patches. The Windows operating system was known as one of the most popular Windows operating systems ever. Both businesses and consumers were affected by this major update, being forced to migrate to more recent operating systems in order to stay secure. Thankfully, an upgrade to Windows 10 isn’t nearly as difficult as one from XP to Windows 7, largely because of the hardware costs involved.

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